T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
MANİSA / YUNUSEMRE - Fatih Anadolu Lisesi


Description of the Projekt Every building has ıts own story.When you pass by a building,have you ever thought that wenn it was built or why it was built?Maybe it was an orphanage. Maybe ıt was once used as a school.The students had received an education in it.They played and runned in it.Do you hear the voices of these students?These buildings tell us their stories and they talk with us.Let’s begin to learn their stories and visit them. About Projekt Our Projekt is integrated into curriculum.Education and training programs are today shaped with life-centered activities.So we create a projekt that is based on a school trip.Our first aim is that the students can discover the cultural heritage.Anyway Buildings are a part of cultural heritage. Aims 1)To increase the awareness of students to cultural heritage. 2)The students can become socialized during learning prozess. 3)The students can experience active learning techniques in history lesson 4)To rise interest of the students in photography and architecture,history. 5)To make a calendar from the photos which the students took Prozess Our working prozess will continue nearly five months.Our Prozess is explained in our monthly activities page. Expected Results and Our Collective Products We are going to make a calendar  from the photos that the students take in the trip.Every school will have at least one photo in the calendar.In the calendar  there will be the names of the buildings in English We are going to write a collective story

Buildings are Talking eTwinning projesiBuildings are Talking eTwinning projesi06-02-2023

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Yayın: 23.06.2023 - Güncelleme: 23.06.2023 20:51 - Görüntülenme: 220
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